
What's Electron Shogi

Electron Shogi is a desktop shogi app made with Electron framework. This app runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Anyone can get the source code and create their own version and distribute it.
Most of the shogi AIs are using USI protocol for integrating with GUI app. Electron Shogi is a front-end app which makes you possible to communicate with USI-compatible AIs.
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These days, 2-in-1 laptops are becoming popular. So, we can use desktop Shogi apps with the touch screen. This app is designed to be operated by touch screen too. And also, Electron framework get this app minimize OS dependency.


You can use this app regardress whether commercial purpose or not. Developers are not responsible for any damage or loss. If you modify or redistribute this app, please follow the license terms.
MIT License applies to this app. However, Material Icons used in this app is under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.
See THIRD PARTY LICENSES for the licenses of the third party libraries used in this app. However, this list does not include the licenses of Electron, Electron Builder, and Chromium. Those licenses are included in the desktop app.

Desktop App

Please download the file with the suffix -win.zip for Windows, -mac.zip for macOS, or -linux.zip for Linux. See "How to select version" for the version number format.

Web App

You can not use AI and file I/O etc. on the web app.
And it does not support vertical screen like smartphones.
We recommend to use on Chrome, however, welcome to report bugs on other browsers.

How to Use




If you have a GitHub account

If you have no GitHub account

Related Projects

Library of Shogi's rule and data formats
CLI Tool of USI-CSA bridge
Test tool to delay the response of USI engine
The images of the pieces and the board with only a few restrictions.